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2022应对气候变化国际交通网络研讨会 第四期 智慧交通与物联网


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Climate Change Challenges (CCC) International Transportation Webinars 2022



第四期 智慧交通与物联网

Co-Sponsors / 主办单位:

China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS) / 中国公路学会(CHTS)

Transportation Research Board (TRB) / 美国交通运输研究会(TRB)

ERTICO - ITS Europe / 欧洲智能交通协会(ERTICO)

International Road Federation (IRF) / 国际道路联合会(IRF)

European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI) / 欧洲交通运输研究会(ECTRI)

Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) / 海外华人交通协会(COTA)

Organizer / 承办单位:

Wuhan University of Technology / 武汉理工大学 (WHUT)

Date / 日期: 

06:00 AM, November 15 (Tuesday), 2022 US EST 

07:00 PM, November 15 (Tuesday), 2022 Beijing Time

12:00 PM, November 15 (Tuesday), 2022 Brussels Time (CET)

Registration Information / 注册链接:

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aCLUXVBATYCQIn1PbaJbaw(请复制到浏览器中打开或扫描二维码)(Please scan the QR code or copy the link to register)

Brochure / 会议手册

Brochure for CCC 4th Webinar.pdf

Description / 背景:

Decarbonization of transport and promoting a green and low-carbon oriented transition of transportation and achieving sustainable development have been hot topics. Designed to promote commercialization of scientific and research findings that support sustainable development of transportation and help achieve the global goals on climate. this webinar will discuss the role of ITS and IoT in the decarbonization of transport and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. study with system composed of human-vehicles-road-environment and discuss issues as safety, congestion management, energy saving and environment protection etc.


Agenda / 议程

CCC 4 Agenda 议程安排

7:00 – 7:15

Moderator / 主持人

Christos S. Xenophontos, Co-chair of International Coordinating Council, TRB/



Opening and Welcoming Remarks / 欢迎致辞

Prof. Zhang Hui, Deputy Director, Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology



Dr. Johanna Tzanidaki , Director of Innovation and Deployment, ERTICO

Johanna Tzanidaki博士,欧洲智能交通协会创新应用部总监

7:15 – 7:20

Thematic Introduction 主题介绍

Prof. Lyu Nengchao, ITS Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology, China



专家报告 Presentations

Presentation 1

Research on Energy Saving Path Planning of Intelligent Vehicle for Eco-Driving

Zhijun Chen, Member of Autonomous Driving Working Committee, CHTS



Presentation 2:

Intelligent Transportation Systems Possible Environmental Benefits

Roger L. Wayson, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Environmental Engineer, Member of TRB's AMS10 Standing Committee on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Member of AEP80 Standing Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration


Roger L .Wayson博士,高级环境工程师,美国交通运输研究会空气质量和温室气体减排常委会(TRB AMS10)、交通噪音与振动常委会(TRB AEP80)成员 

Presentation 3

ERTICO Roadmap towards Clean and Eco Mobility

Dr. Tamara Djukic, Senior Manager at ERTICO


Tamara Djukic博士, 欧洲智能交通协会高级工程师

Presentation 4

How Digitally-driven Operational Improvements Can Reduce Global Freight Emissions

Maya Ter Laag, SIPA Southeast Asia project coordinator of ITF


Maya Ter Laag, 国际运输论坛亚洲低碳气候适应性发展的可持续基础设施项目官员

Presentation 5: 

Large Scale Practice of "Light Vehicle and Familiar Road" Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System

Wang Jing, General Manager of Tianyi Traffic Technology Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board of Allride Technology Co., Ltd.



(20 mins each)

9:00 – 9:50

Panel Discussion 讨论

Moderator / 主持人

Dr. Tamara Djukic, Senior Manager at ERTICO

Tamara Djukic博士, 欧洲智能交通协会高级工程师

Panelists 讨论嘉宾

Presentation experts and invited panelists

9:50 – 10:00

Conclusion 总结与展望

Christos S. Xenophontos, Co-chair of International Coordinating Council, TRB


Ms Guan Nina, Director of International Cooperation Department, CHTS



