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中德可持续交通论坛 Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Transport


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Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Transport

主题 / Theme

共塑零碳和可持续未来交通 Co-Shaping a Zero Carbon and Sustainable Future Transport

Co-Sponsors / 主办单位

德国国际合作机构 / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS) / 中国公路学会(CHTS)

Organizer / 承办单位:

Wuhan University of Technology / 武汉理工大学 (WHUT)

Date / 日期: 

14:00 - 17:30, December 3 (Saturday), 2022 (Beijing Time)

Registration Information / 注册链接:

https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lT_Q3xbiRs2P8te5mKg1PQ(请复制到浏览器中打开或扫描二维码)(Please scan the QR code or copy the link to register)

Description / 背景:

Germany and China have been cooperating for many years on the sustainable development of the transport sector. The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the Sino-German diplomatic relations. Under this background, aiming to facilitate the exchange on approaches and solutions for making transport more sustainable, inclusive, accessible, safe and climate-friendly, a Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Transport shall be organized during the upcoming 2022 World Transport Convention (WTC). The World Transport Convention (WTC) is hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Ministry of Transport (MOT) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), organized by the China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS).

With the theme of “Co-Shaping a Zero Carbon and Sustainable Future Transport”, the forum will be jointly organized by the China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and shall take place on the afternoon of December 3, 2022. Experts and stakeholders from the fields of transport and mobility are expected to participate in the event.



Agenda / 议程

14:00—Opening Remarks
致辞人:刘文杰 中国公路学会副理事长兼秘书长、Martin Hofmann 德国国际合作机构东亚地区气候、环境和生物多样性项目组主任
Guest:Liu Wenjie, Vice President and Secretary General of China Highway & Transportation Society, Martin Hofmann, Head of Cluster Climate, Environment and Biodiversity of the GIZ East Asia

主持人:乔云 中国公路学会副秘书长
Moderator:Qiao Yun, Deputy Secretary General of China Highway & Transportation Society

Keynote Speeches

主持人:袁成清 武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院副院长
Moderator:Yuan Chengqing, Vice Dean of the School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering of Wuhan University of Technology

14:10—Germany's Climate Protection Pathway
报告人:梅森纳 德国联邦环境署署长
Reporter:Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, President of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

14:25—Challenges and Paths of Green and Low-carbon Development of China's Transportation
报告人:徐洪磊 交通运输部规划研究院副院长
Reporter:Xu Honglei, Vice President of Transport Planning and Research Institute (TPRI), MoT, China

14:40—Innovations for Low-Carbon Transition of Long-haul Road Freight
报告人:何墨池 斯堪尼亚中国集团总裁
Reporter:Mats Harborn, President of Scania China Group

14:55—Developing Smart Logistics for Sustainable Transport
报告人:焦雯雯 交通运输部公路科学研究院物流政策团队带头人
Reporter:Jiao Wenwen, Head of Logistics Research of Research Institute of Highway (RIOH) of MoT, China

15:10—Integration of German Climate Policy in the Transport Sector into the EU Policy Strategies
报告人:Prof. Werner Rothengatter 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院荣誉教授
Reporter:Prof. Werner Rothengatter, Professor em. with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

15:25—Challenges and Countermeasures of Carbon Reduction in China's Freight Logistics Industry
报告人:林坦 同济大学中国交通研究院研究员
Reporter:Lin Tan, Researcher at the China Transportation Institute at Tongji University

15:40—New Trend of Green and Intelligent Development of Water Transport in China
报告人:李涛 交通运输部水运科学研究院环境保护与节能技术研究中心副主任
Reporter:Li Tao, Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation Technology Research Center of the China Waterborne Transport Research Institute

15:55—Key Policy and Measures for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Germany
报告人:霍厚德 Agora交通转型执行主任
Reporter:Christian Hochfeld, Executive Director of Agora Verkehrswende

Panel Discussion

主持人:徐洪磊 交通运输部规划研究院副院长
Moderator:Xu Honglei, Vice President of Transport Planning and Research Institute (TPRI), MoT, China

16:10—Panel Discussion
对话嘉宾:王伟 交通运输部规划研究院主任工程师、杨睿刚 嬴彻科技首席技术官、何墨池 斯堪尼亚中国集团总裁、翁燕珍 交通运输部科学研究院副研究员、霍厚德 Agora交通转型执行主任
Dialogue Guest:Wang Wei, Senior Engineer at the Transport Planning and Research Institute (TPRI), MoT, China, Yang Ruigang, CTO of Inceptio Technology, Mats Harborn, President of Scania China Group, Weng Yanzhen, Associate Researcher of the China Academy of Transportation Science, MoT, China, Christian Hochfeld, Executive Director of Agora Verkehrswende

Closing Remarks

